Steam Deck Shipping Details Q1

         The first part of the e-mails for the Steam Deck are sent and many people will be getting their devices pretty soon. On 26th of February Valve published more details about the  shipping. What we know for sure :  

  • All people who are in the Q1 reservation window on the Steam Deck store page will receive an order email by the end of March. (Q1 is Quarter 1, or January through March).
  • The first batch of emails has already gone out this morning.
  • The next batch of emails will go out on Monday, March 7th.
  • They will continue sending emails to Q1 reserves in the order their reservations were made on a weekly basis through the end of March (March 14th, 21st, 28th)
  • In April, they will start going through the Q2 queue in a similar fashion.

          What we don’t know is if your reservation says “After Q2 2022,” when Valve will send your unit. According to their recent post  from Sat, February 26, 2022  they are “working through their production schedules, and will have news soon for folks in the After-Q2 bucket” , which hopefully doesn’t means they will stop shipping weekly until Q3 arrives which is from July till September.

        When I heard about the Steam Deck I got very excited but the times are hard, one day you have job and the next one you ask your friend for those 14$ back (those of you who have seen The Pursuit of Happiness will get the reference) so I tried to convince myself that I have to wait for Steam Deckv2, because “ it will be much better” , “ they will be fixing all the bugs”, “ the hardware will be better” ect. Those of you who know me will tell you that whenever I want something I get it, and for those of you who don’t … well I pre-ordered Steam Deck just before they announced the release date. It felt like they were waiting for me to pre-order, because the announcement came the next morning. So now I’m stuck with this huge line in front of me, hoping more people have seen this dumb video of some boy explaining how bad the Steam Deck is oh tho he never show it to prove he do have it, but at the same time couldn’t stop waving the Nintendo switch around. The video felt almost like he was getting paid to promote Nintendo  and talk badly about the Steam Deck. When I think about it this is a really nice strategy to cut in line!

     This is going to be one hard and painful waiting period, but on the bright side they will probably fix all the bugs and for sure the “Verified” games will be more …