About Me


First of all, I'm a computer gamer. I started by spending my pocket money and my free time in computer clubs playing CS, later I got my own PC and got into MMORPG genre by playing Talisman Online. Since 2009 I've only been playing World of Warcraft until not so resent money related events. Now I'm playing Destiny 2, Warframe and more , but I'm hoping Microsoft will get me back to Azeroth. Android gaming was never my passion until I got my bulky 13200 mAh battery phone and since then I've bveen spending more and more time playing Play-to-earn games like LoK, CoS, MIR4, Thetan Arena.

youtuber / streamer

I've been making YouTube videos for many years now. Most of my videos are game guides or how to videos of a specific problem that I spend a long time dealing with and are intended to show the solution so others won't have to waste their time looking for it. My videos are non-professionally made and hopefully helpful (: . What keeps me going is when I see that somebody went out of their way to thank me.
Twitch streaming is something I've been doing for a while now and I really enjoy and hopefully in future I'll be able to do it more regular.

mechanical engineer

I've graduated from the Technical University of Sofia with a degree in Computer Design and Technology in Mechanical Engineering and now I'm working as a Mechanical Engineer at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. I have a PhD in Mechanical Engineering. Becoming an Engineer was never my dream, but sometimes destiny has other plans for you. Oh tho engineering is really interesting field is not something I'm planing to do forever.
If you are interested in what my job is about, you can find little videos from my workplace from time to time when something interesting is happening.

hobby photographer

I'm not a professional photographer, but to me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them. Photography has been with me in very hard times and helped me to stay strong and deal with the loss of my loved ones. Photography is a story I fail to put into words, a story I want to share with you and be remembered long after I have forgotten everything.
If you are interested you can find my photography portfolio below.


once upon a time...

There was a girl that really disliked motorcycles, until one sunny day got convinced by her new friends / co-workers to go at the motorcycle season opening… few months later  she had a driving license and motorcycles. Everything was wonderful and  she had everything she ever wanted until one day the cutest little puppy came into her life and changed everything …