How to Unlock the Old Scholomance in patch 10.1.5
Scholomance is a dungeon in the World of Warcraft located in the Western Plaguelands this ancient establishment serves as a school of necromancy, steeped in the darkest of magical arts. Originally introduced in the classic version of WoW, Scholomance was removed from the game along with its unique appearance and replaced with the Mists of Pandaria version of it once the expansion arrived, This unique dungeon with a haunting atmosphere and rich history holds a special place in the hearts of World of Warcraft players so Blizzard decided to let players revisit the old Scholomance and reclaim the long-lost transmog items by completing a dark ritual. In this article I’ll walk you through all of the thigs you need to do to get access to the old version of this amazon dungeon.
Step 1. Get Krastinov's Bag of Horrors Toy
First we need a toy called Krastinov’s Bag of Horrorsthat drops from the rare Doctor Theolen Krastinov <The Butcher> from the old Doctor Theolen Krastinov <The Butcher> and has 95% drop chance if the butcher is there.. which is the tricky part because for some people it takes months of daily farming just to get him to spawn since you need to run the HC Scholomance. The good news is that If he spawns you can’t miss it a /yell “The Doctor is in” will appear in your chat windows. Lucky for you if somebody in your party has it you can enter as well.
Doctor Theolen Krastinov is located in Western Plaguelands. Go to the ruins of Caer Darrow and enter inside of MoP HC version of Scholomance . For those of you who have no idea where it is go to 70.0 75.0 and take left when entering the main castle door. Open the wooden door and you will see the portal to the dungeon.
You have to kill the bosses until you get to Rattlegore . Kill him and hope to see red massage saying “The doctor is in” in your chat box.
The doctor is located in the next room you can’t miss him but just in case that’s what he looks like
After you get the toy you are done with the HC version. Next thing you need to do is do the normal version till the last boss and then enter the room above his head .
When you enter you will see a pail of bones. Use the toy and a lady will show up and start freaking out .
Remove the you and she will ask you to speak to her. After you finish your conversation she will give you an item Inert Spectral Essence. This will have to be infused with 3 Dark Rune and 5 Essence of Undeath to turn into Spectral Essence, a trinket that you will need in order to see the ghosts in Caer Darrow. If you don’t know where to get the materials I’ll list few locations that I’ve tried here, but be aware that the drop chance isn’t very high so it will probably take you some time depending on your luck.
Now is the time to loot the 1st item for the secret ritual that opens the old Scholomance – Eva’s Femur
Step 2. Get Eva's Journal and all the Candles
Next Step is to talk to Eva in her old spot outside of Scholomance, where she will ask you to look for her journal as well as 5 more items that you will later trade with ghostly citizens in order to acquire the 5 candles needed for the ritual. Here is a list with the items and their locations:
Eva’s Journal –the journal is located on a shelf inside Viewing room ( the room that looks like classroom with professor and students and stuff) to the right of the entrance of the corridor that leads to Darkmaster Gandling.
The book is hard to see and I find it easier if you look behind the shelf.
Caer Darrow Fountain Water – looks like a bucket and is located on the water fountain that you see when entering the main gates in Caer Darrow. (68.8 79.9)
The Deed to Andorhal – Is located in Western Plaguelands in the town hall of Andorhal. It looks like a letter and is on the right wall while facing the big mob in the end of the room. (44.0 69.2 )
Trampled Doll – Doesn’t look like a doll but it’s located next to a wheel of a Meat Wagon in Darrowshire. (35.7 83.7)
The Road Ahead – This is a painting that is located by Corrin’s Crossing in the Eastern Plaguelands (54.96 64.04)
Undelivered Shipment of Smokes – it’s a package located inside a cart. You have to visit Stratholme (Eastern Plaguelands ) and take left and left again to the Ezra Grimm spawning place.
After you have collected all of the items is time to trade them in with town people who probably owned them back when they were alive and in return they will give you five candles. In order to see them you have to equip the Spectral Essence trinket I mention at the beginning. The item must be returned to those people in no particular order, you can even return them as you take them I just find it easier for me that way .
Here are the TomTom waypoints to all 5 locations :
/way #22 65.6 75.4 Artist Renfray
/way #22 63.6 75.4 Rory
/way #22 70.4 74.0 Magistrate Marduke
/way #22 68.0 74.8 Joseph Dirte
/way #22 69.0 78.4 Sammy
Caer Darrow Fountain Water – this is for Joseph Dirte (68.0 74.8) . He is on the second level of Caer Darrow on the left side near the wall.
Trampled Doll – this is for Sammy (69.2 78.6) and is a bit harder to see. She is located by the water fountain in Caer Darrow on the other side of the bucket we took for Joseph.
The Deed to Andorhal – this is for Magistrate Marduke (70.4 74.0). He is located at the top portion of Andorhal, near the entrance to Scholomance.
Undelivered Shipment of Smokes – this is for Rory (63.6 75.4). He is located by the docks outside Caer Darrow.
The Road Ahead need to be returned to Artist Renfray (65.6 75.4) . She is located inside a house across Roy.
Step 3. Do the Ritual
After you have the Eva’s Journal , Eva’s Femur and all 5 candles you have to go inside the castle on the opposite site of Scholomance entrence. As you walk the main gate take right till the end of the corridor and then when you go left, keep going till the end room .
Right click on Eva’s Journal to start the ritual. Once the cast is completed you can click on the book to enter the old Scholomance.