What to do if your elementor element suddenly starts floating and covers all of the things that came after it? You will be surprised how simple the solution is of this what appears to be a big problem is.
What is my problems?
Recently I messed around with my settings hoping to fix my broken mobile view and end up losing my footer. It took me a while to realize what’s wrong but I finally found the solution. It can get really annoying for new users like myself when you need to tune sometimes little and nothing works. Elementor is an amazing tool that can either make your life easy or a living hell. I have had my website for a few months now and I’ve been through hell and back so many times simply because didn’t take the time to watch some of the many beginner tutorials that people so kindly have made and posted on YouTube. So if you are reading this, my first advice after you fix this problem is spend few hours and learn the basics of Elementor, because this will really change your building experience.
Before we start solving the problem, let me first explain what it is.
–Â Â Â My footer is no longer located at the end of the page, but instead is hiding up behind the first post.
–Â Â Â Another problem I notice is that my element is floating. I can pick it up and move it without the need to follow the grid.
What the problem actually is?
Elementor is a powerful tool that allows the users to make the exact design they want without limiting them by the grid. That’s good if you do it on purpose and not like me changing every setting hoping to get the result I want without realizing how many things I broke in between.
    The main thing that causes that problem is the position option located under Advanced tab > Custom Positioning. If you have a pencil icon it means you have set the element to absolute on which allows you to grab the element and drag and drop it on your specific position. The downside is that everything under if like my footer for example acts like there is nothing before it which means it will get hidden behind that element if is bigger like the recent post in my case .
How to Fix the Problem?
In order to fix the problem you first need to understand the different options available and what they do:
– Static Position – The element is in its natural state, positioned merely by the natural flow of the page. This is the default position of all elements.
– Absolute Position – The element is absolutely positioned to its first positioned parent.
– Fixed Position – The element is positioned relative to the user’s view port.
Once we know what the different options do it’s easy to say we need to set the element to Default in order to get it back to… well to default.